Ananda Marga
Ananda Marga is an international organisation which teaches yoga and meditation for personal development and runs a variety of social service projects globally. It was founded in 1955 by the late Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar (1921-1990). In Australia, Ananda Marga is a registered not for profit charity.
In Education, Ananda Marga’s projects include:
Day Care and Long Day Care Centres
Primary schools
High schools
Agricultural colleges
Medical colleges
Alternative medicine colleges
Women’s health and welfare
Music and Dance Institutes
Vegetarian & Vegan cooking classes
Yoga & Meditation Classes

The Neo Humanist schools in Australia are:
Vistara Primary School – Richmond Hill, NSW. https://vistara.nsw.edu.au
Sunrise Preschool & Long Day Care Centre – North Fitzroy, Vic. http://www.sunrisepreschool.vic.edu.au/fitzroy-north
Sunrise Preschool & Long Day Care Centre – Thornbury, Vic. http://www.sunrisepreschool.vic.edu.au/thornbury
The River School Early Childhood Centre – Maleny, QLD. https://riverschool.com.au/ecc
The River School (Primary) – Maleny, QLD. http://www.amriverschool.org
For information about Kiirtan CD’s, music CD’s, vegetarian & vegan cooking classes, yoga and meditation please contact the school’s office.